
Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Dangers of Blogs

It is common knowledge that the Internet is filled with danger. However, some parents and teens aren’t fully aware of just how many risks and issues there are. Online blogs and profiles just add more fuel to the flames.
Many bloggers choose to reveal personal information in their profiles, which put them at serious risk, especially when they are young naïve girl. Adding pictures and vlogs (video blogs), is even more dangerous.
Police have been monitoring many of the online blogging sites under false identities, hoping to catch some of the countless online predators that are lurking in the shadows of cyber space. Despite their efforts, the numbers of victims from online predators is ever increasing.
Thanks to the animosity of the Internet, and vast items you can access online, many predators will take on fake identities. They may play the role of a young, nice looking man, or at times woman, but in truth is a 40-year-old pedophile preying on 12-year-old girls. You can never tell what someone is truly saying online, and at times even pictures lie. Thanks to facebook and many other photo and image uploading sites, the predators can easily adopt and new appearance.
Identity theft is also increasing online. People steal other images and names, claim to be them and can cause serious issues. You also have to deal with people being able to hack into your computer system, and the spread of viruses from emails sent to people met online through blogging.
Another danger that not many people may think of is that ignorant people who know no better take many of the blogs as fact. Most of the time, blog are places were people voice /their own opinions/ on certain subjects and matters. It’s very difficult to take anything online at face value unless it comes form an institute or organization. This can cause quite a lot of issues.

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